How We Are Making A Difference

The goal of the Konga Project is two-fold:

1) Build centers to help individuals with disabilities in countries that lack the resources to offer the required care.


2) Do so in a sustainable manner where those centers can self-fund themselves after the initial build-out.

In developing nations such as Kenya, the site of our first partner center, there are cultural norms and resource limitations that oftentimes leave children with disabilities neglected and without proper care. In many cases, there are non-profit organizations in these countries that look to bridge that gap, such as the Ongata-Rongai Special Care Center. But despite the best intentions and efforts of these organizations, their resources are often woefully limited. That is where the Konga Project steps in. We provide funding and know-how to set up properly-equipped centers that local nonprofits can then operate out of with the continued support from the larger Konga Project organization.

While by far the largest cost for these centers is the upfront investment, there are also monthly operating costs. In a perfect world, ongoing donations would cover the full range of these expenses. However, the reality is that when it comes to centers providing necessary medical care, consistency in funding is needed. This is how the Konga Project team came up with the idea to incorporate a revenue-generating component into each center to support the month-to-month operating costs. Given the lack of local medical care near our first center in Ongata-Rongai, Kenya, we thought an outpatient medical facility would be an ideal fit for this need. The onsite medical facilities will be able to provide care to the individuals at the center while simultaneously offering medical services to the local community, in turn funding the center’s day-to-day operations.